Monday, June 18, 2007

What a Weekend!

As was mentioned earlier, my friend let us borrow his handheld GPS 12. So far, over the two days we've had it, we found 7 caches. The whole family enjoys doing this together. Pretty cool! We've been quite busy!

After father's day dinner with my parents and my brother, we headed to the nearest park to find a couple.
Here's Em, checkin out the log for "Hangin in Solon."
And here's the group shot. We try to get a picture at (or near) each cache.

After we found that one, we started looking for our first "Multi Cache." A Multi Cache is a cache where the coordinates you get from the website are only the first clue. You must follow the train of clues to get to the final cache. This one was called "Spring Fever, Solon Style." It took us to a nice, very un-used portion of the park. That's one of the great things about geocaching: You get to see a lot of stuff you probably wouldn't have bothered with before.

Grandpa and Grandma hung back on this one. There was some questionable terrain involved. Deb took the photo, even tho we protested because she should be in the picture since she was the one to actually find this one.

On the way home we found another in the "Welcome to Bedford" series.
So far we've found the following caches:
Welcome to Bedford #7 and #9
Gorgeous Gorge
Re Cache Generator
I Like Monkeys
Hangin' In Solon
Spring Fever Solon Style

1 comment:

Aaron.D.Nemoyer said...

This Geocaching business sounds addicting. :D